Saturday, March 6, 2010

Politcal Parties of Finland

How a country manages their economic issues often can depend on their political views and party in office. For example, In America various Republicans wish to drill for oil off the coast of our own shores while some Liberal participants urge that we find new alternative fuel altogether. Anyhow, the point is that either of the two American political parties would change the economic structure to some degree; however, Finland’s parliamentary political system consists of six main political parties each with a different philosophy on economic and political policy.
For this blog I will briefly describe and give the top six political parties that are currently active within the Finish political system. First the National Coalition Party (Kokoomus), this is the Finish Conservative party which aims at traditional Finish values. The Centre Party (Keskusta), this party consists of people mostly living in the rural areas of Finland in the Northern regions and leans in favor of the agricultural participants within the economy. The Social Democrats Party (SDP), this is a socialist party within Finland; Lenin, Guevara, and Marx were some of the famous members from this school of thought. True Finns Party (Perussuomalaiset), this is a popular party that consists of patriotic Finns which aims at traditional values without being overly conservative. The Christian Democrats (KD), this is a political party which wishes to keep religion associated with politics and education; the national religion of Finland is Christian Lutheran. The Green Party (Vihreat), characteristics of this party are also turning up in the American Democratic Party which aims at preserving mother Earth and “going green”. These are the top six parties within Finland’s political makeup with each party containing a slightly different philosophy on how to run the country effectively and efficiently. The current Finish President Tarja Halonen is the first female president of Finland and is currently a member of the Social Democrats Party.

[ Picture of Finnish Parliament Building ]

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